Vitasoil is helping to address the problem of soil degradation, which costs the farming industry millions of rands each year in reduced productivity and increased input costs. Intensive farming practices deplete the natural organic matter and micro-organisms that are present in healthy soil. With degraded soil, crop yields diminish and diseases become more prevalent. To counter this, farmers are forced to use more fertilisers and pesticides, which further degrade the soil.
Vitasoil helps to restore the soil’s biological balance, replenishing the essential elements that are depleted by intensive farming. It is a patented blend of many living microbes, bio-carbon, humic acids and micro-nutrients that bring soil to life. It also provides essential enablers for plant growth, including humic acids and trace elements, to the root zone. In addition, it reduces plant diseases by using the natural effects of beneficial microbes, including probiotics, in the formulation. Lab tests have shown that Vitasoil inhibits the growth of pathogens, and there are no chemical pesticides in the product.
It also reduces water usage by improving soil structure and drainage; it does this by using the microstructure of biocarbon, also known as biochar. The microscopic pores enable the biocarbon to absorb water, which is available to the plant roots.
Vitasoil’s organic blend comprises vermicast, and worms (and their castings) play an integral part in maintaining soil health by providing essential microbial enablers that increase the uptake of nutrients by the plant.
