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  • chrisg008


Updated: Aug 5

The current coverage by invasive plant species, namely water lettuce and water hyacinth in the Vaal River Barrage Reservoir, has dropped significantly from 395 ha in April 2024 to 100 ha currently. The community has come together and worked with Rand Water and the authorities, using their own resources and funding to assist in removing the invasive alien species. To date the community has spent approximately R10 million over six months, and Omnia has also donated funds for the removal of the aquatic weeds.

The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) has appointed Rand Water as the official implementing agent for three years, to control and eradicate the weeds in the reservoir. The project is a joint effort between this department, Rand Water, Rhodes University, Afriforum, Omnia and SAVE (Save the Vaal Environment). Rand Water will continue with the implementation of the control plan under the authorisation of these departments, and the integrated approach comprises physical extraction, curtaining, biocontrol and the use of herbicides to halt the growth. Rhodes University Centre for Biological Control has assisted with aspects such as mapping, biocontrol agents, technical support and the introduction of weevils and hoppers to help control the invasive alien plants.

Rand Water was recently awarded an order for the physical removal of 60 hectares of the weeds and this, along with Omnia’s and the local community’s contribution, should result in there being little to no more weeds in the barrage by the end of July 2024. Dr Leslie Hoy of Rand Water says they have “not yet won the war, since it is uncertain what this summer will bring”, however they are in a better position to be ahead of the game and control the aquatic weed, than they were before.

The DWS acknowledges the significant contribution made by the community and all parties involved.



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