Updated: Apr 15, 2024
Brahman Hills in the Midlands operates its entire property with 65% off-the-grid sustainability, embracing solar and water management, herb and vegetable cultivation and free-range farming. CEO Orrin Cottle offers the following tips:
*plant your own herbs or vegetables in your garden, or on your balcony or window sill. Research the best plants for your climate and invest in quality soil and seeds;
*harvest rainwater and install a rain barrel or JoJo tank to collect runoff from your roof. Use the collected water for plant watering or outdoor cleaning;
*practice sustainable water management by repairing leaks, taking shorter showers and using water-efficient appliances. Install low-flow taps and shower heads and re-use grey water where possible. Brahman Hills has a borehole and has installed an advanced wastewater purification system that enables water recycling. Following double filtration, the water rejuvenates the lake’s ecosystem and is used for fountains and irrigation;
*save energy by installing rooftop solar panels or solar water heaters. If initial budgets are tight, prioritise energy-efficient light bulbs as a starting point. Having started its project five years ago, Brahman Hills now harnesses 85 % of its energy from solar panels, reducing its carbon footprint and reliance on non-renewable energy resources.
