The #cocreate Blue-Green Cities Design Awards, aligned with the #cocreate DESIGN FESTIVAL, comprised winners, runners-up and shortlisted candidates of community members, students and professionals in the fields of civil and environmental engineering, architecture, landscape architecture, urban design and conservation. The festival was an initiative of the Mission Network of The Netherlands, organised in collaboration with the Craft & Design Institute and curated in partnership with UCT’s Future Water Institute, the City of Cape Town and ILASA (Institute of Landscape Architects of South Africa).
With specific reference to the green industry, shortlisted projects and candidates included:
*Newtown Landscape Architects and Chris Brooker Associates for Paterson Park Stormwater Renaturalisation;
*GAPP Architects and Urban Designers for High Street Hermanus: Creation of a Resilient Shared Street;
*Papenboom Meadow Project in Newlands, Cape Town. Participants were landscape architect Clare Burgess, Newlands Residents Association, City of Cape Town Recreation and Parks, Treekeepers Cape Town, FynbosLife, ADT Security and Friends of the Liesbeek.
A full list of shortlisted candidates, winners and runners-up is available.
